What Is A Drill File?

A drill file is a type of file that regulates all information regarding hole drilling and tooling size. It also contains information on location and hole size. The file is essential for all engineers since it helps avoid trouble when converting PCB files into Gerber files. They also help in exporting the design files and sending them to manufacturers.
Typically, once the PCB design files have been received, fabricators must transform them into drill files before coming up with PCBs. The generated Gerber file may not be what the designers expect since the engineers may not want some information displayed on the final product. Also, the generation of the Gerber files may cause issues resulting from software differentiation. Consequently, it is prudent that the engineers convert them into drill files before they are sent to manufacturers.

Notice that drill files can be generated by almost all PCB design software into standards that specify machine info, including the speed and drill feed.
Generating a Drill file
The first thing you need to do is go to your Altium designer and click on the file. You should then access the setup options and the drill format of your choice and generate the drill file. However, you must consult your PCB manufacturer to help determine the format that conforms to your manufacturer’s standard. Suppression of the files should be done to make them neat.
Once everything has been generated, all you need to do is click ok to create drill files and save them in a folder. You may choose to suppress zeroes so that the starting zeroes and the ending zeroes are removed. The coordinate positions selected should contain both absolute and relative origins, which should be chosen depending on the designer’s needs. Still, it should be similar to the one regulated in the drill

Generating files by OrCAD
Other than using AltsaveDesign is possible to drill files by OrCArd (Cadence Allegro). You will need to click on the manufacturer NC parameters and enter them into dialogue to do this. You should then determine the format of the items in the excellent design and the output file. Also, need to ensure that the code file is also generated.
Ensure that the project conforms to the drill files. After you finish, click on the parameters dialogue to escape.

Generating Drill file by Pads
First, you must open the PCB design file and click on Cam. It should allow you to drill a layer and click on editor click on add. Once the Document dialogue presents itself, you should then click on press Drill and the setup button to specify the format of the drill file to be generated.