7 Aspects of How Smart Lighting Bring Savings to Industrial Environments


Smart Lighting Increases Efficiency

Compared with the power consumption of common traditional HID systems, you will notice that industrial LED lamps do consume some energy. Compared with the equivalent output of HPS lamps, the energy efficiency of some of our high-efficiency LED systems has increased by 90%. Therefore, there is no need for the industry not to adopt them.

The dramatic reduction in energy consumption is so fast, especially when you consider that a single facility may contain thousands of 24/7 lights. For example, the power used by industrial lighting can illuminate one-third of all houses in the United States. Therefore, any reduction here may have a significant impact on overall energy use. We can all achieve it through the smart LED.Conventional lighting systems popular in many industries consume a lot of energy per lamp. But on the other hand, companies using LED smart lighting achieved lower billing costs by the end of the month.

Smart Lighting High Brightness, Low Energy Consumption

Industrial LED lights can increase the light output from their light sources by up to 60%. In this way, facilities using LEDs have more lumens per watt than HID and other HPS lighting systems. And because we can easily configure the LEDs, we can accurately guide the light to the desired location, thereby reducing the waste of light in the ceiling, walls and other unnecessary areas.

Therefore, the above method means that the industry can obtain a large amount of lighting in the places where it is most needed. Usually, only a few lighting equipments are needed, and the price is low. As you can see, with smart lighting, the industry is very likely to get twice the required lighting, but only half the energy.

Unfortunately, some industries still rely on HPS and HID lighting systems. By continuing to rely on them, these industries continue to spend large amounts of revenue on energy costs. The solution is very simple. The shift to smart lighting can save costs, especially in industrial environments.

Smart Controls Bring About 50% More Savings

LEDs aren’t in the same league as HPS fixtures. Unlike HPS fixtures that may require an extended period to warm up to enable it to come to full output, such is not the case with smart lighting. Smart lighting is instant-on, meaning that they deliver total output upon flipping of the switch. With such, industries that adopt them save a lot on energy costs, as there’s no warm-up time.

Smart lighting consists of smart control mechanisms, such as daylight harvesting and occupancy sensors, programmed dimming, and several other configurable lighting schematics. All these significantly minimize burn time when compared to HPS lights. Almost all LEDs have intelligent control, industries that use them stand to save more than 50% on energy costs.

HPS lights, do not have any smart controls that can help in energy saving. Companies that fail to adopt the use of bright LEDs must, therefore, be prepared to dig deeper into their pockets when it comes to footing their electricity bills. But to save your industry this sort of headache, then you better opt for intelligent light-emitting diodes.

Smart Lighting Low Energy, Low Cost

Traditional HPS bulbs fail more often, especially when subjected to high-vibrations or any other harsh environmental conditions. Such may result in frequent change-out, an aspect that may call for routine maintenance. With regular maintenance, necessary equipment needed for such activities such as mechanical lifts and supplemental lighting may add to the energy costs of a facility.

But since high-performance smart lighting fixtures can last up to 100,000 hours or more, industries will, therefore, avoid wasting time, money, and of course, the energy that it takes to replace the lamps. Smart lighting does not require regular maintenance compared to traditional lighting. Industries that get to adopt them and use them are in an excellent position to save some bucks.

As you can see, industries that get to adopt heavy us of smart lighting diodes will save a lot when it comes to maintaining them. Funds meant for maintenance can be easily channelled to other areas that require such funds, such as procurement or employee appraisals.

Smart Lighting Reduces Pollution

Cost savings that are associated with switching to LEDs from HPS lighting do extend beyond direct energy expenses. With more companies and industries working round the clock to reduce their carbon footprint, going ahead to lower energy consumption will also minimize the need to buy carbon credits aimed at offsetting emissions.

Meanwhile, the disposal of traditional HPS bulbs requires some additional handling costs. All these costs can be eliminated by merely converting to LEDs smart lighting. Much better, sustainable operations are also suitable for industries, with estimates of about $1.2 trillion opportunities for brands that get to publicize their sustainable efforts.

In the U.S. for instance, companies that fail to adhere to specific set regulations, especially those to do with environmental protection face massive fines. With such huge fines, companies lose much of their revenues. By reducing their carbon footprint, especially by using smart lighting, companies save a lot, especially on penalties that they might have to pay.

Smart Lighting Durability

The durability of the goods that you are about to purchase for personal or business use matters a lot. Why use your hard-earned cash to buy products that will only function for a short period before failing? The same is true when it comes to purchasing lighting products. You ought to go for those that will last longer before replacement.

The same is true when it comes to lighting. Compared to traditional lighting systems, smart lighting is much more durable and long-lasting. Besides minimal maintenance costs, LED smart lighting is sturdy in some way. Without glass or filaments enclosures, a majority of LED smart lighting are immune to rapid vibrations and highly breakage-resistant. LED smart lighting is entirely suitable for use in industrial environments. 

Since intelligent light-emitting diodes come with the promise of durability, industries that adopt them tend to save a lot. With LED smart lighting, there is no need for regular replacement, unlike conventional ones that do not last long enough. Without a doubt, therefore, industries will not spend many revenues in having to replace these lights regularly as they come with the promise of durability. 

A Foundation for Lntelligence

Light-emitting diode systems are semiconductor diodes that not only emit light but also do so much more. As you may be aware, light-emitting diodes are inherently compatible with some of the most advanced new systems that can bring about holistic energy efficiencies to industries.

For instance, with light-emitting diodes, facility managers at any given firm that uses them can continuously monitor the performance to identify and ensure whether there are any opportunities for savings. Here, facility managers are in a better position to determine whether LEDs do cut costs or not.  


Even though halogen bulbs are still available for use, industries that switch to LED smart lighting is bound to realize more benefits than the ones who use the conventional lighting system. If you can remember, printed circuit boards are essential components on LED lights.

PCBs electronically connect all the components on an LED and without it, an LED won’t function properly. PCB LED lights do come with the promise of excellent energy efficiency. Are you in the market for the best PCBs with LEDs to use in your industry or organization? Why not source them from WellPCB? We have the best boards with LEDs that are ideal for all sectors.

For a decade and counting, we have been supplying high-quality PCBs with LEDs meant for industrial environment. Call us today for all of your LED PCB needs. We at ledask can deliver. Our boards are durable, lightweight, and of the highest quality.

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