High Tech – Better Recognition Of The Company

December 29, 2022
by Emma Lu

High technology, often abbreviated as high tech, is a technology that is at the cutting edge. The most advanced technology is available. Low technology is the opposite of high tech, which refers to simple, often traditional, or mechanical technology. Contents1 1. National High-Tech Enterprise Certification2 2. High Tech–What does it mean3 3. High Tech—Conclusion4 4. Authority 1. National High-Tech Enterprise Certification Congratulation! Our Shenzhen and Jiangmen Fab have authorized National High-Tech Enterprise. The certification shows Our factory-Uniwell Tech. Ltd. Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Council authorized it as High-Techs Enterprise on July 31, 2017. 2. High Tech–What does it mean World-class […]

High technology, often abbreviated as high tech, is a technology that is at the cutting edge. The most advanced technology is available. Low technology is the opposite of high tech, which refers to simple, often traditional, or mechanical technology.

1. National High-Tech Enterprise Certification

Congratulation! Our Shenzhen and Jiangmen Fab have authorized National High-Tech Enterprise.

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The certification shows Our factory-Uniwell Tech. Ltd. Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Council authorized it as High-Techs Enterprise on July 31, 2017.

2. High Tech–What does it mean

World-class and key market national certification institutions issue certification recognitions.

It indicates that the China market has affirmed Uniwell Group’s continual resource investments. As well as the corollary R & D innovations and technical results.

It means we can manufacture more high-tech products to meet the requirements of our customers around the world. In the future, we will continue to dedicate ourselves to pursuing sustainable innovation. Provide the best quality products and solutions to customers worldwide.

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3. High TechConclusion

Being awarded as “National torch plan key high-tech enterprise” is a high appreciation of Uniwell. Both independent innovation ability and comprehensive competition strength.

This also inspires and motivates the company’s faith and passion for adhering develop relying on innovation.

In the future, we will continue deepening innovation and cooperation. Integrating innovation resources, platforms, and talents, creating a powerful engine.

To promote the rapid development of enterprises and accelerate scientifically. And technological achievements. To perfectly play the leading model role.

4. Authority

Assessment of National High-Techs Enterprise is a supporting policy introduced by the nation for enterprises.

With independent intellectual properties. Candidates will be assessed by a certification institute authorized by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Ministry of Finance of the P.R. China and State Administration of Taxation.

Only by meeting the standard of core independent intellectual properties. And scientific and technical achievement, R & D, and organizational management.

As well as growth indicators, were, enterprises qualified to achieve National High-Techs Enterprise Award Certificate?

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Emma Lu
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