Circuit Board Components And What They Do(helpful)

July 2, 2021
by Emma Lu

Printed circuit boards are found in many of the devices we use at home. Unfortunately, very few people understand the technology behind them. As a result, we must understand what electronic components are and what they do. This is critical for anyone interested in knowing how PCBs work and their application. This post looks at some of the Circuit Board Components used to make PCBs.


It is one of the most critical components of PCBs. It is used to control voltage and the current flowing through a circuit. We use a resistor to control the voltages and the winds in a course. If connected in series with a load, it can control the current flowing through the circuit and reduce the chances of the bag burning out.

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Circuit Board Components2


The component is mainly used to stabilize the voltage supplied to a circuit. It behaves like a battery that can store charges and introduce some time delay in the course. Capacitors can be divided into polarized and non-polarized capacitors.

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Light Emitting Diode (LED)

It is a component that gives light and can, therefore, give visual feedback from a circuit. It can be used to make fantastic light show circuits. Diodes allow current to flow in one direction.

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It acts like a switch that is controlled by an electrical signal. Transistors can be used in amplifiers since they amplify charges.

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It is a coil of wire that is used as a filter. The work of an inductor is to stop the change of current and store charges.

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Circuit Board Components6

An integrated circuit

It consists of an electrical circuit that has been shrunk to fit on a chip. It could be an amplifier, a microprocessor, or a USB to a serial converter.

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Emma Lu
Our professional engineering support saves our customers a lot of trouble and loss. >>>>>> After you place the order, our engineer will conduct technical reviews to make sure the parts can be mounted well/correctly on the boards. We will check if the component packages match well with the Gerber footprints, if the part numbers you provided match well with the descriptions, and if the polarity is clearly marked. >>>>> When your design is ready, please send your Gerber and BOM so we can quote and start!