Eagle Software-The Best Ways To Use The Mouse

May 14, 2021
by Emma Lu

Eagle software is the ultimate tool that is being used all across the globe for designing printed circuit boards.

There are numerous practical uses of mouse and keyboard in the design of printed circuit boards.

Eagle can use the mouse as more than just a pointer in the printed circuit board design through the Eagle software.

The following are the best ways to use the mouse.

  1. To Change the Layers by Using Scrolling

When you are routing the printed circuit board design, numerous people are changing the layers of the routes.

They are using the drop-down menu for changing the layers of the routes. However, with the use of the mouse, anyone can change the layers with the mouse’s scroll button.

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2. Changing the Wire Bend Styles

Changing the wire bend styles is one of the critical and common processes in the routing of printed circuit boards.

The hardest way of changing the styles is to select the wire bend style by using the toolbar each time.

However, the easiest way is to press the right mouse button and then change the style.

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3. RATSNEST Button

If you are required to know the un-routed signals, you have to press the RATSNEST button, and you will get the number of un-routed wires easily.

The features are of great use as they will double-check your wires and may help you to search the wires visually.

4. Changing the Width of Wires

With the use of the mouse, you can easily change the width of wires in the printed circuit boards. All you have to do is give the respected width to the wire and then hit enter while holding the wire.

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5. Hide the Un-routed Wires

You can also hide the un-routed wires by entering a simple code in command of the Eagle software.

Just press, rats nest GND, and you will hide the un-routed wires.

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Emma Lu
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