The Process Of Building 60% Keyboard PCB
♦ Testing of the PCB
One should test the PCB before starting to assemble to ensure there is no hardware fault.

♦ Testing the key layout
One should first confirm the valid points of soldering for the kind of layout you want to create.
♦ Testing the stabilizers
They are used on the long keys like shift and spacebar keys so that the keycaps do not wobble when pressed on the edges.

♦ Lubricating and clipping the stabilizers
This makes the stabilizers feel better.
One should be careful with this stage to avoid damaging the board.
♦ Mounting the keyboard in its case
One should put everything in the case, which is simple as there are several mounting holes where you screw in these pints.

♦ Adding keycaps
This is an exciting part where one enjoys the end product and programs the layout.
Those who have never soldered before may find this boring, but when one gets the soldering tutorials from videos, they find it easy. Several parts are required in building a 60% keyboard. They include PCB: DZ60, which is the most important as it contains the circuitry that makes it work, switches, a plastic white case, keycaps from Tai-Hao Aquamarine cubic keycaps, and plain mini-USB cables.