Desoldering Pump-How To Use It?

May 17, 2021
by Emma Lu

Right until now, you might have heard about the Solder sucker, and it is not just ringing a bell. The Solder sucker is commonly referred to as the desoldering pump, which is widely used. So, you would ask, what is the big deal? Well, there isn’t much! Because aid has been made available to extract your solder from your printed circuit board, and of course, even when they are now solidified.


Yeah! It’s only reasonable to make mistakes when soldering(components are prepped (trimmed or modified) and installed on the PCB ), and “perfect” evolve with time. For example; before I came about this, multiple times that I sold and make mistakes, I heat up the solder by reapplying the soldering iron to correct my errors, but no way! It doesn’t work well when I make more significant mistakes. So, enough of the story!


Are you curious about what the pump is all about? How does it work?  Alternatively, how to desolder? In this article, clear explanations will be emphasized on How to use a desoldering pump. Moreover, of course, the techniques everyone uses in handling his or her materials to desolder might be slightly different, but in the end, everyone is driving towards a common goal.

How to Desolder?

Now that you are great at soldering, knowing how-to might be the next priority. Why do you need to desolder? Very well, after making lots and lots of errors and the surface you are working on is starting to look very rough, desoldering isn’t just a choice but a perfect one to disengage the soldering mistakes that have been made. Any desoldering process entails the involvement of heat to remove components.

Motives behind desoldering can modify a current circuit remove parts, interchange a faulty component, or retrieve the component to be used again.  Opportunely, learning how to do this is very easy with various techniques like soldering iron, desoldering braid, desoldering pump, heat gun, and compressed air. However, here we would concentrate on how to desolder using the desoldering pump.

So, how do you go about this using a desoldering pump? However, before this, the primary choice of desoldering should be considered, soldering braid to desolder. Due to the cost of materials demanded, the use of soldering braid to desolder might be the only option in doing this.

The first important step to note is heating.

Ensure no particles like glue on the soldering joint because this can result in little damage to the soldering iron.  To do the heating, you would need a desoldering braid and a desoldering iron. When you are set for this process, you will push the soldering iron tips against the lead on the board.

The desoldering braid is manufactured in different widths and cheap regarding cost, but cannot be reused. Roll out a few inches of the desoldering braid from its pack, spot the desoldering braid directly on the solder joint that needs to be desoldered, compress the desoldering braid still on the solder joint with the desoldering iron, and hold down for short seconds till you feel or see the solder joint liquefy.

In the heating process, make sure that the circuit board is held to avoid unnecessary movement, which might cause an error in the process.

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The second important step is the removal.

It has to be done carefully with total attention. Heating can use pliers in pulling out the components while it is still in the molten state.

The advantage of this is that it is readily available, and also, the components can be used again. The disadvantage is that when proper care is not taken and the soldering iron is placed on the board for some period, it can damage the board.

The process of desoldering using the desoldering pump is similar, and they both achieve the same goal. It is necessary to know both methods because one may be more applicable to a particular situation than the other.

To suck up the molten solder with the desoldering pump, locate the molten solder and push the button.

By pushing the button, a vacuum that sucks up the molten solder is generated. Depending on the size of the job you are working on, you might need to replicate the process repeatedly.

If you wish to use the two methods to desolder, you can extract as much solder as you want to with the desoldering pump and round it up with the solder wick or the desoldering braid.

In a nutshell, desoldering is attained by heating the solder joints followed by the other processes involved in it.

What is a Desoldering Pump?

As earlier discussed, the desoldering pump is otherwise called the “solder sucker,” it is designed with a spring-loaded plunger.

The desoldering pump has features that enable it to repel heat and not get destroyed when the tip is placed on the molten solder. It often requires skill or technical know-how for efficient use and a better result.  

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Desoldering is the elimination of solder from a circuit board. Therefore, the desoldering pump is a device used to remove solder from a printed circuit board. It is a type of device used for this purpose, and it is of two kinds, the plunger style, and the bulb style. So, if perhaps you are interested in a quick, large job performing device, then it comes to a significant consideration.

Ranging with prices, the desoldering pumps with the top class aluminum build, the tip that desoldering can replace, quick performance non-manual solder sucker, pushbuttons, and tips self-cleaning and can be operated with a hand.

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How to Use a Desoldering Pump

3.1 Further description of the desoldering pump

A desoldering pump is an awesome portable device that renders excellent service, such as removing solder from a printed circuit board. It helps to extract the solder after it has been heated.  The following are the procedures for using a desoldering pump.

3.1.1  Steps required on how to use a desoldering pump

The first step is to apply heat to the solder with the aid of a soldering iron, but in some cases, some desoldering pump comes along with the irons.

The second step is to apply pressure on the plunger by pressing it down. In the case of another pump with a bulb, you can squash it.

In the third step, once the solder is liquefied, position the head of the pump on the solder that needs to be removed.

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The next step involves the release or discharge of the plunger or bulb; some desoldering pumps are designed so that they possess a release button, not to be held the whole process.

The next step is to remove the desired free component.

You can repeat using this procedure again to eliminate any additional solder.

Press down and release the plunger in a continuous pattern to eradicate the solder inside the desoldering pump.

The solder tends to stay in a liquid form for a long time when in huge blobs, making it more convenient to dispose of; therefore, when trying to eradicate additional solder, it might be practically necessary to add extra solder to the joint.

There are certain advantages and disadvantages attached to using the soldering pump;

3.2 The advantages of using a desoldering pump

The desoldering pump varies with designs from manual to electronic type. Also, other types like heated guns do not require iron when used.

When components are removed, it can use the removed component over again. The desoldering pump is styled to access small areas and remove solders from microscopic openings.

Electronic kits and circuit boards are sort of costly, so salvaging used kits is often preferable. The desoldering process that does not destroy the current circuit board aids the reliability of costly electronic circuit boards and devices or kits.

3.2.1  Disadvantage of using a desoldering pump

Considering the size of the desoldering pumps, although they possess a small head, it may be tough to access some extra-tiny areas.

How to Desolder a Circuit Board

Over time, there are various motives behind the extraction of the piece of the circuit board. Well, it might happen that the new circuit board does not contain the high-standard parts you prefer, and have to refer back to the old circuit board to rectify the issue; there is not enough purchasing power for new high-standard ones or jokingly. You wish to annoy your siblings because they dislike the smell of the solder with passion.

4.1 What is your level of experience?

Depending on the level of experience, desoldering might seem confusing at times. Of course! Not every component can be disposed of with ease by merely contacting the lead of the part with soldering iron and withdrawing.

An important thing to note is that some circuit boards contain lead in the solder, so it should take a deep understanding of the hazard concerned with using any electronics seriously.

Try as much as possible to shorten the duration in which a high temperature is introduced on the board; this can destroy the circuit board during the process.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the temperature of your soldering iron at a regulated standard. Now, the question is, how do you remove excess solder without destroying the board? Since electronic circuit boards vary in their construction, it might require 1000% attention in working on some circuit boards.

Devices like multiple leads, through-hole mounted, and other relatively close electronic circuit board designs require a certain degree of temperature. In this case, a rework station is critical.

4.2 What are the procedures for desoldering a circuit board?

4.2.1 Select a good soldering iron

There are various designs of soldering iron, but it is more advisable to go for the ones that you can efficiently work with, and considering the economic and efficiency factor, select a soldering iron with a digital screen temperature radar that heats up fast, with on/off switch and flexible cables for smooth movement when working on a small area. For better performance and conduction, ensure you have a clean tip.

That enhances the conduction of heat. Also, another factor to consider when purchasing a soldering iron is the company’s longevity. We can indeed give 100% assurance, the wattage, and the temperature readout, which is not a much-considered factor.

However, frankly, it is very high when you purchase soldering irons with high high-quality standards, rather than the cheap ones because you might need to purchase them due to the low lifespan regularly. Though high-quality soldering iron might seem expensive than normal ones, you would realize that it’s worth buying after all.


4.2.2 Get a suitable holder for your circuit board

You might choose to buy or even build your circuit board holder, but for any choice made, make sure that the circuit board holder possesses the features that can help hold your circuit well in place and at your convenience.

It is a significant factor to note because you wouldn’t want to work with a circuit board holder that cannot even grab your circuit board correctly.

Some people prefer to build their circuit board holder rather than buying a readymade, but this cannot always be great because most materials used for the self-construction are not still efficient.

So, it is much advice to purchase your circuit board holder from reputable manufacturers.

4.2.3 Work with enough solder

Of course, getting much solder might not be a huge deal because of its low cost. Working with enough solder will be a big hit for you because most times, the insufficiency of solder on the circuit board might make it hard to remove a component from the board. After all, the solder will not melt. However, with more solder, removing the components can only be as easy as the alphabet letters.

Also, when more solder is added, it allows the liquid to maintain its state for a longer time, thereby providing enough time for removing the components.

4.2.4 How fast can you desolder?

If you need to work with large components and also save time, a blow-torch might be advisable. Though it works very fast, technical know-how is required.

Some components have a substantial lead in which desoldering can damage. How quickly you can desolder can mean how soon you have been practicing. As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect.” So, it would be best to maintain a constant practicing habit.


4.2.5 Detach the circuit board

Suppose we should do it in areas with a free flow of air. Heatsinks are very difficult to desolder because of their immediate absorption of heat. The best choice is to detach the circuit board or break it.


The discussion so far

Wne‘ve discussed the highs and lows, do’s and don’ts, and I think right now you would agree with me desoldering life is indeed great with the desoldering pump at sight. I want to bring to notice that there is virtually no device or technology as a whole that does not get attached with some disadvantage. However, in the case of the desoldering pump, the problem is too minimal and does not hold any significance. Super bright!

We care, We do

The advancement of the technological age is indeed an awesome thing to note. With the device prescribed, you might even be motivated to keep on desoldering without any reason, Lol.

Since we have taken you through the upper part of the description of this device, we would help you through the concluding part also. Do you worry about where to get this device?

We are indeed 24/7 at your service. Remember! Taking a step now is the beginning of progress. You can contact us today and make your days of stressful soldering a past.

Also, you can request a quotation, and if you have troubling questions, feel free to throw them at us.

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