6 Types Of Printed Circuit Boards – How To Choose

April 4, 2019
by Emma Lu

Nowadays, printed circuit boards are everywhere.  we interact with many PCBs daily. They have made our life easier and advanced.


There is no way you can isolate yourself from this, and hence a deeper understanding of the PCB would do you good. The article will help to make these technical aspects clear for you so you can find the most suitable type of circuit board for your needs.

Nowadays, the types of printed circuit boards are everywhere. We interact with many PCBs daily. They have made our life easier and advanced.

There is no way you can isolate yourself from this, and hence a deeper understanding of the PCB would do you good. The article will help make these technical aspects clear to find the most suitable type of circuit board for your needs.

1. Types Of Circuit BoardsTypes of the Circuit Board

Printed circuit boards come in different types because of their characteristics. They are what differ the design for each circuit. The copper rails that connect the various components from their point of location are straightforward to identify. But there are also some other significant differences.

The special tools required to make the PCBs add to their unique aspects. Let’s cut straight to the chase and find out about the types of circuit boards:

1.1 Single-Sided PCBs

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A single-sided printed circuit board is the least complicated one. It uses one layer of the substrate, which is the base material. As copper is an excellent electric conductor, one side of the base is filled with a thin yet proper metal layer. After the copper layer, there is a protective solder mask that adds to this PCB’s property. After this, a silkscreen coat is applied to complete the look of the board.

The name single-sided comes from the organization of the board. The electronic components are all located on one side of the board. The advantage of this board is that it works best for all simple electric items. The cost of these circuit boards is less than other types, and these can quickly be produced in large quantities. However, just like the coin has two sides, this PCB has limitations to low electricity items, which means these boards do not work best for all the products.

1.2 Types Of Circuit BoardsDouble-Sided PCBs

Double-sided printed circuit boards are more common because of their high usage properties, In this, both the bases have a metal layer, and the parts connect to both sides. The electric components are spread evenly on the whole board. The holes in the panel are added to make things easier. The two ways to do this are surface mount and through-hole technologies. The first type involves tiny wires called leads to slide through the hole and go to the other side.

The latter, on the other hand, does not include any wires. Instead, in this type, the PCB consists of numerous small leads that are soldered on. This technology increases the board’s efficiency, allowing it to perform more functions in less time and space. The advantage of double-sided PCB is that it has less weight and does more work at a time. The disadvantage is that it is dangerous to handle.

1.3 Multilayer PCBs

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The multilayer printed circuit boards are using the latest technology in double-sided boards. The same technologies are used to connect the various components on the board, just as in the double-sided boards. The main advantage of the multilayer board is that it saves more space than the previous types. There are more than two substrate layers on the board, and the insulating materials are used on every layer. You can add as many layers as you want. In summary, multiplayer boards are more technical, and if you get one thing wrong, your whole board becomes useless.

1.4 Types Of Circuit BoardsRigid PCBs

The printed circuit boards are not just categorized based on their layers and sides. While it is true that the main difference is the number of layers, this is not the only difference. The rigid PCB is made because of the varying rigidity it has. When you first imagine a PCB, you will probably form the image of a rigid PCB in mind. This type of circuit board makes use of solid, inflexible, and strong substrate material. Fiberglass is the best option as it keeps the board from bending and prevents any damage.

1.5 Flex PCBs

Flex is short for flexibility in this printed circuit board type. As you can probably already guess, the flex PCB makes use of a WellPCB that offers DC motor controllers in both domestic and international markets. We have a flexible plastic that is layered on the base. This substrate material allows the board to fit into different shapes according to your needs. You can easily bend this board and keep it safe in all conditions. The disadvantage of this board type is that it is more costly than the other designs. However, the advantage is that these boards are very light in weight and are used in all the latest equipment.

1.6 Types Of Circuit BoardsRigid-Flex PCBs

The last type, the rigid-flex printed circuit boards, are both rigid and flexible. It is a confusing concept, but the main idea behind these boards is to use them with items that require a strong board. The circuit board is rigid, but it connects to a layer of the flex circuit board. However, it is still flexible. The disadvantage of these boards is that they are very complex to make. However, they are also the most useful and can address most needs.

Now, moving forward, let’s learn about the points that are imperative to keep in mind while or before selecting a specific type of circuit board for your particular requirements. So, without further ado, let’s see what should be remembered before getting a circuit board:

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2. Types of the Circuit Board – Factors to Consider When Choosing

When choosing a board type, there are some factors that you must consider. These are very important to understand.

  • Where you will use the PCB the most
  • The prices of the various types and your budget allowance.
  • The strength and power of your circuit board and how important it is
  • Remember all the design rules when you are building the board.
  • Do not forget to consider any element.
  • Check, and then re-check to see you are not leaving something out.


Our company can help you pick the same circuit board that matches your requirements. We offer several products for your needs like manufacturing PCB and assembly PCB.

When you go for a print, contact us, and we will be happy to serve you.

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Emma Lu
Our professional engineering support saves our customers a lot of trouble and loss. >>>>>> After you place the order, our engineer will conduct technical reviews to make sure the parts can be mounted well/correctly on the boards. We will check if the component packages match well with the Gerber footprints, if the part numbers you provided match well with the descriptions, and if the polarity is clearly marked. >>>>> When your design is ready, please send your Gerber and BOM so we can quote and start!