How to Determine Your PCB Manufacturing is the Best

September 4, 2019
by Emma Lu

Choosing a PCB manufacturer is not a simple task. You are bound to get confused if you are new to the industry. There are many things to keep in mind and know about PCBs. Only then you can select the right manufacturer for your needs. 


Today, we will tell you everything you need to know to choose a printed circuit board manufacturer. Once you read the guide, every aspect will be bright. Then you can easily make an informed decision. 

Choosing a PCB Manufacturing is the Best is not a simple task. You are bound to get confused if you are new to the industry. There are many things to keep in mind and know about PCBs. Only then can you select the right manufacturer for your needs. 

Today, we will tell you everything you need to know to choose a printed circuit board manufacturer. Once you read the guide, every aspect will be bright. Then you can easily make an informed decision. 

1. What Assembly Method do They Use?

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PCB manufacturers mainly use three types of assembly processes for PCB company that uses the chosen assembly method. 

Here’s a closer look at the PCB assembly methods-

1.1. Thru-Hole Technology (THT) Assembly Process

THT uses pin-through-hole (PTH) components. Engineers place the PTH components by drilling holes on the circuit board. Then they insert the lead or termination of the elements through the holes. Manufacturers solder the lead on the other side on pads using molten solder. You can either use soldering or reflow soldering for the purpose. 

THT replaced older assembly methods like point-to-point construction. Most PCBs during 1950 – 1980 used the THT assembly process. You can still find them on some devices like

• Electrolytic capacitors

• Semiconductors

Bulkier equipment mostly depends on PCBs made using THT. It produces a strong mechanical bond. But the process of drilling makes costs higher. You also have less space for routing. 

1.2. PCB Manufacturing is the BestSurface Mount Technology (SMT) Assembly Process

In SMT, PCB manufacturers place the components directly on the circuit board. They use a solder paste printer to apply solder paste on the board. Then the commission goes to the pick-and-place machine automatically. The computer then places the components on the board. 

The PCBs then pass through a reflow oven at a temperature of 500-degrees, solder melts and fixes the components in place. The stove then cools down the board to make the solder stable. 

SMT uses a high degree of automation. So production costs are higher. But that also means you can enjoy lower labor costs. 

SMT components in PCB manufacturing are much smaller than PTH components. You can find them in

  • Telecommunication devices
  • Aviation equipment
  • Consumer electronics
  • Wireless devices 

1.3. Mixed Technology Assembly Process

Modern electronics need more complex PCBs. Any specific technology is not able to meet the needs of modern devices. So PCB manufacturers use a combination of THT and SMT, or mixed technology. 

You will find both PTH and surface-mount components. Soldering becomes a bit challenging under this process. 

In the next section, we will discuss different types of PCB. 

2. What Types of PCB do They Produce?

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You can place an order for different types of PCB based on your need. We will discuss three main types of PCBs so that you know which one you need. Most OCB manufacturers make all types, so it should not be any concern. 

2.1. Standard PCB

I am wondering what a Standard PCB is when it comes to WellPCB. We will provide you with a one-stop service and high-quality products. You can send us the documents you need to make and get a quote immediately! What are we waiting for? Do we have ten years of PCB manufacturing? It consists of four layers-

  • Silkscreen
  • Solder mask
  • Copper 
  • Substrate

The substrate material can be fiberglass or FR-4. FR means fire retardant, and the content is durable. 

You can choose the thickness of the board as required. Some manufacturers also use cheap materials like phenolics or epoxies. 

Standard PCBs are mostly rigid and used in various electronics. 

2.2. PCB Manufacturing is the BestFlex PCB

Flex PCBs in any way you want. The conducting content consists of polyester or polyamide. Flex PCBs are mostly complex and can be-

  • Single-sided
  • Double-sided
  • Multi-sided

The PCB material is sturdy and can withstand hazards, and they are waterproof and shockproof. You can also use them in high-temperature applications.

Flex PCBs have many benefits like-

  • Fewer assembly errors
  • No mechanical connectors
  • High flexibility
  • Low weight and small size
  • Strong signal quality

2.3. PCB Manufacturing is the BestMetal Core PCBs

Metalcore PCB or MCPCB use a metal base material. The metal channels the heat away from the crucial components of the board. MCPCBs may also use heatsinks for improved heat dissipation. 

The metal core can be-

  • Aluminum (most common material)
  • Copper
  • A mixture of special alloys

MCPCBs use a dielectric polymer layer with high thermal conductivity. This results in lower thermal resistance. MCPBs can dissipate heat 8x – 9x faster than FR-4 PCBs. They are also more durable and last for a long time. 

Now, we will explore the considerations of soldering. 

3. DIY Soldering and Reflow: What’s the Difference?

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You need to solder the components on the PCB. You can either go for manual soldering or professional reflow soldering. 

Manual soldering is suitable only for prototyping or small batches of PCB. Soldering each component separately requires patience, time, and effort. You also have to pay a high labor cost. Plus, there can be errors too. 

Reflow soldering uses machines like industrial ovens. They heat the PCB to melt the solder after you place the components. Then the stove cools down the PCBs to make the solder stable. The process depends on automation and is suitable for large batches of PCB. You also have fewer chances of errors and higher reliability. The labor cost is even lower for reflow soldering. 

It’s always wise to go for reflow soldering if you are looking for WellPCB. We will provide you with a one-stop service and high-quality products. You can send us the documents you need to make and get a quote immediately! What are we waiting for? We have ten years of PCB manufacturing for commercial purposes. 

Now let’s check out a few details about ordering your PCB. 

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4. PCB Manufacturing is the BestQuality and Minimum Order Quantity

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•  PCB Manufacturing is the Best–Need for Quality

We know that quality is your top priority. That’s why you should choose a PCB manufacturer with careful consideration. Look for manufacturers who have strict quality control measures. 

Manufacturers should also maintain professional standards while making PCBs. They should run multiple tests to ensure everything is perfect. Only then should you receive the delivery. 

Check reviews left by clients to decide the standard of PCB manufacturers. You can also ask for samples to determine the quality. 

•  Minimum Order Quantity

Most correct PCB service provider. Thankfully, various PCB manufacturing manufacturers will have a minimum order quantity. You don’t need to think about this if you are ordering a big batch of PCBs. But if you are a small business, then check the minimum order you can place. 

Generally, the more order you place, the higher the discount you get.

So what does it cost to make PCBs? We will find out in the next section. 

5. How to calculate the total cost of PCB

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You can use the following formula to form an estimate of the cost-

WellPCB. We will provide you with a one-stop service and high-quality products. You can send us the documents you need to make and get a quote immediately! What are we waiting for? We have ten years of PCB manufacturing cost = Cost of circuit board + cost of components + cost of assembly + cost of testing. 

The cost varies based on different factors like

  • Number of layers
  • Base material (some materials like FR-4 are more costly)
  • Type of PCB
  • Size and complexity

PCB manufacturers charge less when you order more in quantity. The general cost to manufacture PCB can range from 50 cents to $300 or more! For instance, PCBs for high-end computers that use 32 layers cost hundreds of dollars each. 

On the other hand, a simple PCB may cost $5. 

We recommend you don’t select PCB manufacturers based only on cost. You should also consider the quality and reputation of the manufacturer.

Now, a few words on turnaround time and customization. 

6. PCB Manufacturing is the BestTurnaround Time and Customization Options

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Turnaround Time

You must be looking to get your PCBs within the deadline to finish your project. That means you need a manufacturer who can deliver on time. So we suggest you check the turnaround time before committing your order. 

One way to determine turnaround time is to ask past clients. They will be able to tell you if the manufacturer delivers within the specified deadline. You can also check the comments left by other customers. 

A simple Google also goes a long way to provide hints about the manufacturer. 

PCB Manufacturing is the Best–Customization

Almost all PCB manufacturers will offer customization options. 

You can give your specifications and get the PCBs matching exact dimensions. Most manufacturers also let you choose your components. 

Ask a manufacturer upfront what customization options they offer. You can also express your needs to see if they can accommodate them.


Some other aspects are also important while choosing a PCB manufacturer for PCB manufacturing. Look for free shipping so that you can save some costs. Also, check if the manufacturer can handle the needs of your industry. You can get in touch with us to make custom PCBs matching your exact specifications. 

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Emma Lu
Our professional engineering support saves our customers a lot of trouble and loss. >>>>>> After you place the order, our engineer will conduct technical reviews to make sure the parts can be mounted well/correctly on the boards. We will check if the component packages match well with the Gerber footprints, if the part numbers you provided match well with the descriptions, and if the polarity is clearly marked. >>>>> When your design is ready, please send your Gerber and BOM so we can quote and start!